Simple math puns
Simple math puns

It is conceivable that humanity could eventually learn everything in physics or biology. In a way, mathematics is the only infinite human activity.

simple math puns

Rigour should be a signal to the historian that the maps have been made, and the real explorers have gone elsewhere. Mathematics is not a careful march down a well-cleared highway, but a journey into a strange wilderness, where the explorers often get lost.Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do.A Mathematician who is not also something of a poet will never be a complete mathematician - Karl Weierstrass.The book of nature is written in the language of Mathematics - Galileo.Math: the only place where you have to figure out the ratio of yellow candy to blue candy when all you're thinking about is eating them.He thinks for a moment and then exclaims, “Ah, a solution exists!” and then goes back to bed.

simple math puns

He goes to the hall, sees the fire and then the fire hose. Later, the mathematician wakes up and smells smoke.

simple math puns

He walks down the hall to a fire hose and after calculating the flame velocity, distance, water pressure, trajectory, etc., extinguishes the fire with the minimum amount of water and energy needed. He opens his door and sees a fire in the hallway. Later, the physicist wakes up and smells smoke. He goes out into the hallway and sees a fire, so he fills a trashcan from his room with water and douses the fire. An engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician are staying in a hotel.If I had just one hour left to live, I'd spend it in Math class.Q: Why did the 30-60-90 degree triangle marry the 45-45-90 degree triangle? A: Because they were right for each other.To the guy who created imaginary numbers in Math: I hate you.But I guess the occasional statistics joke is an outlier. The problem with math puns is that calculus jokes are all derivative, trigonometry jokes are too graphic, algebra jokes are usually formulaic, and arithmetic jokes are pretty basic.The physicist says, "The initial measurement was incorrect." The biologist says, "They must have reproduced." The mathematician says, "If exactly one person enters that house, it will be empty." Two people go into the house, and then three people come out. A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician are sitting on a bench across from a house.The statistics student replied, "Well, statistically speaking, you are far more likely to have an accident at a junction, so I just make sure that I spend less time there." One day, he took a passenger, who was understandably unnerved by his driving style, and asked him why he went so fast over junctions. There was this statistics student who, when driving his car, would always accelerate hard before coming to any junction, whizz straight over it, then slow down again once he'd got over it.How come old math teachers never die? They tend to just lose some of their functions.Q: What do you call a crushed angle? A: A Rectangle (wrecked angle).Why don’t calculus majors throw house parties? Because they know firsthand that it’s a bad idea to drive and derive.How do you get from point A to point B? Just take an x-y plane or a rhom’bus.Why is 1/5 always stressed? Because he’s two tenths.Why do plants hate maths? Because it gives them square roots.

simple math puns

  • Are monsters good at math? No, unless you Count Dracula.
  • What do you call a man who spent all summer at the beach?A tangent.
  • Why should the number 288 never be mentioned? Because it’s two gross.
  • Why do teenagers travel in groups of 3 or 5? Because they can’t even.
  • What’s the best way to woo a math teacher? Use acute angle.
  • Why should you wear glasses during math class? They say it improves division.
  • Why should you worry about the math teacher holding graph paper? She’s definitely plotting something.

  • Simple math puns